I would love to be the first to welcome you to Vampire season.

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Brutally short days, grinding eternal darkness, and the last 7pm sunset of 2023

Even though the Pacific Northwest exists in a moody rain for a large portion of the year it is a cozy time. The harvests are in, pumpkin spice is brewing, and hoodie season is upon us. Similarly I have been gearing up for the fall retail season. It is the busiest time of my year, with multiple gift giving celebrations and celestial worship right up until the winter solstice.

An Enchanting Hybrid!

Playing around with the many variations and possibilities within the medium of glass can lead to some unique pieces indeed. This years offering leaves us with an exceptionally silvery hybrid of our extremely popular Rock Star Baby Head Cup and Pumpkin Head. These pieces will probably never make it to the website so contact me for availability.

The first public display of new work will be on November 4th at Seattle Night Market held at Hanger 30 in Magnuson Park. Until then we are constantly adding to our inventory, at the Baby Head Cup manufacturing facility located in Tacoma, 1308 M.L.K. in the Hilltop Neighborhood. We are always available for in person shopping by appointment.

As the light fades and the darkness envelops us, raise your Baby Head Cup and toast to a loved one, or whomever may be in your immediate vicinity. What better way to survive brutally short days and grinding eternal darkness. – Baby Head

#handmadeglass #babyheadcups #babyheadcup #spookyseason #spookygifts #besthalloweendecorations #halloween #glasspumpkin #collectibleglass #eternaldarkness #daylightsavings #fallback #seattlenightmarket