The fresh harvest is at Punk Rock Fleamarket in Tacoma.
Harvested a fresh batch of our nutritious Pumpkin Heads from the Hilltop just this morning. I’m not sure what happened but this batch is oddly moody, coming in hard like a goth emo band. This weekend we will be at the Punk Rock Fleamarket in Tacoma WA hosted by ALMA Saturday 11 -7 and Sunday 11-5.

Alla Fattoria!
#punkrockfleamarkettacoma #punkrockfleamarket #babyheadcups #babyheadcup #pumpkinhead #collectableglass #glassblowing #handmade #handblownglass #almatacoma #shoplocal #tacoma #tacomawa #oliverdoriss #thingstodointacoma